Ghatam Karthick's HEARTBEAT ENSEMBLE is a Perfect Blend of Melody and Rhythm, presents the traditional classical art form in the highest level of improvisation, with all its splendor and diversity. Heartbeat is ‘Contemporary and Traditional’ by the blend and the effect is magical. Heartbeat Ensemble features the original compositions and rhythmic pieces of Ghatam Karthick, which have been highly commended and endorsed by learned scholars and legendary maestros. The Heartbeat Ensemble has given many performances all over India and also toured to USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Bahrain and Sri Lanka. The audiences across the globe respond enthusiastically to the ensembles’ entertaining presentations. Heartbeat Ensemble has released six albums which have been highly commended by press and public.
Mobile & Whatsapp - +91 94440 29960

Heartbeat Videos

Heartbeat in INSYNC TV